Config.Framework = 'autodetect' -- esx, newqb, oldqb or autodetect
Autodetect finds your framework, you can set it manually if you want [esx-newqb-oldqb]
Config.SQL = 'oxmysql' -- oxmysql, ghmattimysql, mysql-async | Don't forget to set it in fxmanifest !
Write the sql script you are using here
If you are using mysql-async in fxmanifest, do not forget to delete oxmysql or put it in the comment line.
server_scripts {
'@mysql-async/lib/MySQL.lua', --⚠️PLEASE READ⚠️; Uncomment this line if you use 'mysql-async'.⚠️
--'@oxmysql/lib/MySQL.lua', --⚠️PLEASE READ⚠️; Uncomment this line if you use 'oxmysql'.⚠️
Config.Command = true -- Enabled opening mdt with command
Config.CommandName = 'mdt' -- Mdt open command
You can also change the command name or close the command.
[1] = {
img = "./assets/cams/cam_1.png", -- photo to appear in mdt
position = vector4(381.73, 322.91, 105.86, 44.79), -- location
name = "Downtown Vinewood 24/7 Market", -- name to appear in mdt
enable = true -- to turn off the camera
Disable / Temp Disable / Enable Cam
Disable / Temp Disable
TriggerEvent('mgnPoliceMdt:disableCam',1) -- 1 = This is the camera index
TriggerClientEvent('mgn-mdt:disableCam',-1,1) -- 1 = This is the camera index
If you want to disable a camera from another script
TriggerEvent('mgnPoliceMdt:tempDisableCam',50,1) -- 50 = 50 second , 1 = CamId
TriggerClientEvent('mgn-mdt:tempDisableCam',-1,50,1) -- 50 = 50 second , 1 = CamId
You can specify according to the grade of the menu, i.e. according to the job grade
Config.MenuOpen and Config.MenuClose
When mdt opens, you can close your hud or another script from here
Config.MenuOpen = function() -- This Executed when the menu is opened (useful to hide hud or any other elements on the screen)
-- TriggerEvent('codem-blackhudv2:SetForceHide', true, true)
-- TriggerEvent('codem-venicehud:SetForceHide', true)
Config.MenuClose = function() -- This Executed when the menu is closed (useful to show hud again or any other elements on the screen)
-- TriggerEvent('codem-blackhudv2:SetForceHide', false, false)
-- TriggerEvent('codem-venicehud:SetForceHide', false)
Chat BlackList Words
Config.ChatBlacklistedWords = { -- This prevents police type chat blacklisted words
Here you can define words not to be used in the chat.
Config.ClientNotification = function(message, type, length) -- You can change notification event here
if Config.Framework == "esx" then
TriggerEvent("esx:showNotification", message) -- here
TriggerEvent('QBCore:Notify', message, type, length) -- here
Config.ServerNotification = function(source, message, type, length) -- You can change notification event here
if Config.Framework == "esx" then
TriggerClientEvent("esx:showNotification",source, message) -- here
TriggerClientEvent('QBCore:Notify', source, message, type, length) -- here